Introducing OncoHelix: Revolutionizing Precision Health Services
Calgary, AB, May 26, 2023
Introduction & Our Approach
OncoHelix is a leading molecular and immune profile testing organization in Calgary, Canada, that offers specialized genomic services globally to diagnostic, research, commercial, and direct-to-consumer markets. As an internationally recognized leader, we provide medical and translational research consulting services to academia, healthcare organizations, and industries worldwide.
The center of our approach is our cutting-edge technology platform, allowing for the rapid validation of genomic panels, sequencing, and analysis. This technology enables us to identify genomic mutations and variations contributing to the progression of cancer. While also offering personalized medicine options to patients and clinicians for more accurate and effective treatment options. Moreover, our personalized genomic tests are more accurate than conventional methods and provide results in a matter of weeks, as opposed to months.
Team, Partnerships, and Collaborations
OncoHelix’s team is comprised of experts in molecular diagnostics, clinical pathology, medical oncology, immunology, bioinformatics, and business development, specializing in clinical diagnostics and translational research. The founding members have a record of over 350 publications in leading scientific journals and have led research projects recognized by prestigious international awards.
Our exclusive molecular diagnostics partnership with the Hematology Translational Lab (HTL) at the University of Calgary, has significantly advanced precision oncology and immunology pipelines. This has allowed us to offer a diverse portfolio of clinically validated genomic profiling panels for myeloid and solid tumours that are now being used by healthcare systems worldwide.
OncoHelix remains dedicated to advancing cancer research through partnerships with leading academic institutions and industry. Our commitment to developing custom genomic panels and supporting clinical trials as a central molecular testing lab keeps us at the forefront of scientific and technological developments. Coupled with our personalized clinical genomic testing and commitment to precision oncology we will continue to lead the way in genomic services and strive to provide support towards better treatment for all cancer patients.
About OncoHelix
OncoHelix’s mission is to facilitate exceptional clinical-grade molecular and immune profile testing for diagnostic, research, clinical trials, and clinical use for patients and their oncologists. Based out of Calgary, Alberta Canada, OncoHelix works with health industry partners, patients, and their oncologists to make cancer genomics and immune profiling accessible across Canada and countries worldwide.
OncoHelix specializes in providing top-line testing services with innovative panels via a partnership with HTL Lab located within the University of Calgary.