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Press Release: OncoHelix and Canexia Health enter in partnership to offer Precision Oncology genomic testing to Canadians
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March 20, 2023
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March 1, 2023: OncoHelix, a Canada-based organization for advanced molecular and immunology diagnostic testing, has announced the launch of AVENIO® 324 Gene CGP Panel in Canada, a somatic tumour tissue panel matched to the FoundationONE CDx test. This is the latest advancement in personalized cancer diagnostics towards OncoHelix’s ongoing commitment of improving patient outcomes OncoHelix is the first clinically accredited molecular lab services provider in Canada to validate the panel available from Roche Diagnostics Canada, branded AVENIO ® 324 Gene CGP Panel. This panel is powered through FoundationONE analysis software.

As a Calgary-based molecular diagnostics organization with several validated comprehensive genomic panels for cancer patients, OncoHelix can offer a variety of access options for AVENIO® 324 Gene CGP Panel as an in-country specialized provider such as direct patient pay, provincial cancer clinic or local hospital send-out contracts, clinical trials research central lab and patient support program services.

“The opportunity that OncoHelix represents for Canadian patients, clinicians and researchers to have local access to AVENIO 324-Gene CGP Panel matched to FoundationONE CDx, is an important step forward to the latest advancements in personalized cancer diagnostics and a commitment to improving patient outcomes with targeted cancer treatments and clinical trials” says Shaniah Leduc, VP of Business and Administration at OncoHelix. “As a Canada first, the OncoHelix team is excited to provide genomic sequencing and reporting of this globally respected test, right here in Calgary, to cancer patients and programs across all provinces”.

About OncoHelix: OncoHelix’s mission is to facilitate exceptional clinical-grade molecular and immune profile testing for diagnostic, research, clinical trials, and clinical use for patients and their oncologists. Based out of Calgary, Alberta Canada, OncoHelix works with the health industry, patients, and their oncologists to make cancer genomics and immune profiling accessible across all provinces in Canada and countries worldwide. OncoHelix partners with Hematology Translational Lab (HTL) at the University of Calgary to offer specialized top-line testing services with innovative cancer genomic panels.

To learn more please visit our website to download a Test Requisition Form, a Sample Report, and discover the steps to ordering comprehensive genomic profile testing AVENIO® 324 Gene CGP Panel matched to FoundationONE CDx with OncoHelix at or send us an email inquiry at